One-stop solution


We supply wireless ear-tag sensors and data management system with IOT solutions and keep developing more and more sensors bring the value for farmers around of the world.

Data Management System

An entrance where you can login the back office of the Data manangement system


Share the story and experence about the data management system and the sensors.


A entrance where can buy the sensors.

Visual and Readable data

Data Management System

Data Management system uses the data visualization technology to mine and caculate the data to bring the most accurate results and the best  experience to the customers.


Beautiful Farms

Share you story

Pictures of the cow or the farm Text for the ideas and expirence


Our Best

Iot Live Stock Management system.

Brief ideas about the Iot Live Stock Management system.

About us

Introduction about Bddbtech

Wireless ear tag sensor

Descriptions about the features of the wireless ear tag.

The design target of the wireless ear tag

A brief introduction about the design targe of the systems.

The Concepts of the wireless ear tag

Share a concept what need to be think about when we design the wireless ear tag.

Data Management system

An introduction about the Data management system about the features and application.

Pre-Sell Policy

We are recruitting the first batch of 100 users.


From our blog

Pre-Sell Policy

After we have done all of the design and tests, We will try to recruit the first batch of experienced users. because the minimum users required for launching the data management system is 100 so we will recruit at least 100 users. How? The Pre-sell period is three months after three months we will publish…

The Concepts of the wireless ear tag

What parameters can be monitored today? We learn from some research, Monitoring body temperature, High sensitivity for BRD (>90%), Moderate-to-low specificity for BRD (≈50%). Monitoring physical activity, Moderate-to-low sensitivity for BRD (60%), Moderate specificity for BRD (≈70%). Monitoring feeding behavior, Moderate-to-low sensitivity for BRD (<70%).Moderate specificity for BRD (≈75%).None of the parameters alone can accurately detect…

Get in touch


ROOM504,Building259,Pingshan Village,Lishan Road,Xili Street ,Nanshan District Shenzhen,Guangdong, China

Contact Us

Phone : 86-0755-61258716


Our Hours

MON-FRI 09:00 – 19:00

SAT-SUN 10:00 – 14:00